is HBS?
Honmon Butsuryushu means the religious order
established by Buddha Shakyamuni. After he had
been enlightened of the truth of the universe,
Buddha Shakyamuni had preached for 50 years in
order to save all living creatures. Those teachings
have been organized as huge scriptures (Sutras),
by the future generation disciples. Among them,
the teachings taught for 8 years are called "the
Lotus Sutra".
Tendaidaishi of China had defined that Buddha
Shakyamuni's preachings for 42 years were to teach
the Lotus Sutra. The teachings of the Lotus Sutra
are comprised of 28 chapters. From the 1st chapter
until the 14th chapter are called "Shakumon".
From the 15th chapter until the 28th chapter are
called "Honmon".
In the teachings of the Honmon of Lotus Sutra,
Buddha Shakyamuni made it clear that the original
appearance was the Eternal Buddha. Buddha had
taught the ascetic exercises and teachings that
suit us, 2000 years after he entered Nirvana.
HBS is a religious order which has as its foundational
scriptures the teachings of the Honmon of the
Lotus Sutra and believes and practices ascetic
exercises according to the teachings. Therefore,
it is called "Honmon Butsuryushu".
As such, HBS believes in the teachings of the
Eternal Buddha, who is taught in the Honmon of
the Lotus Sutra by Buddha Shakyamuni. It is a
living-in-retirement Buddhism which has as its
goal the mankind's happiness and world peace by
practicing those teachings in our daily lives
and receiving Buddha's mercy and wisdom.
The person who first established a religious
order by basing on the teachings of the Honmon
of the Lotus Sutra is Nitchiren Shounin who was
born in February 16th, 1222. After finishing his
studies of Buddhism for 20 years, Nichiren Shounin
realized that the purpose of Buddha coming to
the world was to save all living creatures and
that the law for saving the living creatures is
to chant the titles(Namumyohorengekyo) of the
Lotus Sutra, which is the soul of the Eternal
Buddha and the truth of the universal realm of
Buddhism. He devoted his life to widening the
Lotus Sutra.
Following Nichiren Shounin's teachings, we, at
Honmon Butsuryushu, have made the chanting of
the titles (Namumyohorengekyo) of the Lotus Sutra
a basic, ascetic practice. As a Buddhist merit,
we are a religious order that aims at attaining
true happiness not only for oneself but together
with others.
Presently, there are about 400 HBS temples throughout
Japan; 10 in Brazil; 2 in America; 6 in Korea;
and 1 in Taiwan, where about 500,000 worshipers
can go to pray and listen to sermons based on
the teachings of Nichiren Shounin and on the Lotus
We hope that you can experience true happiness
through HBS's faith.
The King of Sutra, -The
Lotus Sutra: |
Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of Buddha
Shakyamuni, who was born in India 2600 years ago. Today,
buddhism is divided into hundreds of different sects due
to various sutras. For fifty years, Buddha, continuously,
preached his teachings to innumerable people. His teachings,
held at various periods and at different regions, were
later consolidated and edited into textbooks. These text
books have been preserved and handed down to our generation.
There is no uniformity in the contents of Buddha's diverse
sutras. Each separate sutra tells what one should believe
in, how it should be practiced, how matters should be
looked at, and how it should be thought out. The contents
of each sutra differ because each and every sutra is applied
to each separate individual's situation; his state of
condition; his sufferings, or capabilities. Each sutra
preached by Buddha is a worthy teaching.
After Buddha's death, Buddhism spread from India into
China, to Southeast Asia(Korea) and into Japan. During
this period of transition, the various Buddhist preachers
could not decide upon which sutra was the most important.
Gradually, thereafter, many different factions appeared.
The Sutra of HBS, is based on the Lotus Sutra (Hokekyo).
From ancient times, the Scripture called the Lotus Sutra
was respected by numerous people beyond sectionalism.
For example, the eminent scholar of Zen, Dogen (Eight
hundred years ago) said: "The Lotus Sutra is the
king of sutras". Lately, Arnold Toynbee, a renowned
historian, said: "If you were to select 10 books
which should be passed on to the 21st Century, I will
recommend the Lotus Sutra be one of them from the standpoint
of Buddhism".
From ancient times, many preachers researched the Lotus
Sutra and practiced its teachings, but the only preacher
who grasped the essence of the Lotus Sutra and enlightened
it to the masses that it was the true religion and how
it should be practiced was Great Master Nichiren Shounin,
the greatest religious person, who played an active role
750 years ago. |
What is the difference
between HBS and the others sects? |
Not only HBS worships the teachings of Nichiren Shounin
and the Lotus Sutra. Traditional sects, known as Nichirenshu
and Hokkeshu and the newly formed sects like Reiyukai,
Risshokoseikai, and Sokagakkai, all preach the teachings
of Nichiren Shounin and the Lotus Sutra. -What
is the difference between these groups and HBS?
Firstly, Sokagakkai places Nichiren Shounin above Buddha
and reveres him as God, like Christians revere their
HBS does not consider Nichiren Shounin as God. He is
merely a missionary, who acted as a messenger to propagate
and perpetuate the teachings of Buddha. He personally
contacted the masses and, directly, communicated with
Sokagakkai is also referred to as the Ikeda religion.
Ikeda has sent several of his staff members to the Japanese
parliament. He has exerted political influence there
by acting from behind the scene. He enjoys unrestricted
power to control the organization.
HBS considers this religious group to be a mind controlling
cult and considers it to be a very dangerous organization
which has distorted the true essence of Buddhism.
HBS dose not engage in politics.
Secondly, traditional religious groups only pray for
the dead. They have forgotten that their mission is
to deliver the teachings of Buddhism to their devotees
and to guide them accordingly. Other than Sokagakkai,
these groups have incorporated the popular versions
of superstition and fortune?tellings into their activities.
This is not included in the teachings of Nichiren Shounin
or The Lotus Sutra. Therefore, these sects are not true
Buddhist organizations. |
The difference between
Buddhism and Christianity: |
The biggest difference between Buddhism
and Christianity is that Buddhism calls for the act of
practice by placing your heart, body and mouth in the
center to obtain the fruits and merits of the faith. This
is the basic posture of Buddhism.
Buddhist practices can be divided into two parts:
a. Mind concentration, like that of Zen.
Through this practice, people can observe the state of
affairs in their own heart, the evil thoughts contained
therein, and to awaken Buddhist nature hidden deep under
their soul.
b. Verbal practice. Chanting the names of Buddhas and
This prepares one's body and soul to receive it's power.
HBS takes the position to practice its faith by mouth.
Unless one is gifted with great intelligence and ability,
it is difficult to control one's heart to draw out Buddhist
nature by meditation alone, and to practice it haphazardly
only causes confusion and damage to one's body and soul.
Based on the teachings of Nichiren Shounin, HBS observes
the verbal practice by chanting out loud repeatedly the
phrase,"Namumyohorengekyo", which is also known
as the "Odaimoku".
Other sects merely read aloud, rhythmically, the names
of Buddhas and sutras. |
? |
HBS takes the position to practice its
faith by mouth. Unless one is gifted with great intelligence
and ability, it is difficult to control one's heart to
draw out Buddhist nature by meditation alone, and to practice
it haphazardly only causes confusion and damage to one's
body and soul.
One may asks what significant effect repeated chanting
of the phrase, "Namumyohorengekyo" has? It is
difficult to explain it in these few pages. However, to
summarize it, praying in front of the altar by repeated
chanting of the phrase, "Namumyohorengekyo",
invokes a mysterious power which improve the health of
the sick and help persons with psychological illness.
One who constantly chants the "Odaimoku" will
be protected from distress and calamity. |
Medical effectiveness
of the "ODAIMOKU": |
Based on research conducted by medical
doctors, it has been proven that chanting the "Odaimoku"
improves one's soul and body. Following are some examples:
Professor Tomio Hirai, Chief Neurologist, Tokyo University
Hospital, states: "By taking a large and deep breath
slowly, the blood becomes less alkaline and it tends to
enlarge the blood vessels and the blood flow becomes smoother.
It places less burden on the heart and the muscles relaxes.
These reactions help to improve the health." One
chants the Odaimoku about 35 times per minute in front
of the altar in HBS's practice. This is continued for
about 30 minutes to an hour. At this time, the breathing
rate is about 5-6 times per minute. That means, one is
unconsciously taking a deep breath while chanting.
Doctor Yoshio Sakai's research on the effect of chanting
has revealed that the breathing becomes deeper, stronger,
and longer, which helps to improve one's vitality. It
also effectively stimulates the diaphragm.
According to other researchers, continuous chanting of
the "Odaimoku" has a good therapeutic effect
on the autonomic nervous system, there by improving health.
By praying earnestly the brain waves changes from beta
to alpha. A beta wave is a short, irregular wave. It occurs
when one is irritated, broody, or under strain. An alpha
wave is smooth, and depicts a curved line. It occurs when
one is relaxed and calm. That means that chanting the
"Odaimoku" balances the cerebellum and stabilizes
mental condition. These conditions shows, also from a
medical standpoint, that chanting the "Odaimoku"
improves the mind and body. But, there is much more to
it from the standpoint of HBS. The "Odaimoku"
contains an extremely powerful energy. This will be explained
in the next chapter.
Law of KARMA (The law
of cause and effect regulating one's future life): |
Are you familiar with the word Karma? Sigmund
Freud, founder of psychoanalysis and Karl Jung, are doctors
who have made studies of the unconscious mind.
Buddhism has expounded more deeply the functions of the
unconscious mind, but it is difficult to explain it in
detail in this short space. The writer will explain what
Buddha said about Karma. Our daily activities, such as
seeing, hearing, thinking, and what we have done are recorded
in the "Arayashiki" (The most fundamental consciousness.)
It stores all potential energy, the mental and physical
manifestation of one's existence and supply the substance
to all existences. Arayashiki also receives impressions
from all functions of other consciousness and retains
them as potential energy for their future manifestations
and activities.
In Buddhism, the various experiences recorded deep in
the conscious is referred to as "Shuji". The
term refers to the energy or force that gives rise to
each existence or act. Innumerable seeds are stored in
the eight consciousness of each individual, and, when
ripened,particular seeds produce their manifestations.
The manifestations in turn leave their impressions in
the eight consciousness.
"Shuji" means that
every individual himself has the spiritual power and energy
to calculate his or her own destiny. In other words, the
action one takes by mouth, mind, and heart will eventually
determine his or her future destiny and is recorded in
the "Arayashiki".
For example, Professor Brian L. Weiss, renowned psychiatrist,
used hypnosis to delve into people's lives of the past
world and compared them with their present life. He says,
"People who suffered in the past world have similar
experience in this world. A woman married to a husband
who resorted to violence in this world showed to have
acted in a similar fashion in the past world. The alcoholics
who ruined their lives in this world lived in a similar
manner in the past world. Even after rebirth, people's
lives show similar patterns in this world as those of
the past. Professor Weiss introduced many such cases.
Professor Joel. L. Whitton's researches have also revealed
that there are similarities in the way people live today
and the past. Professor Whitton is the author of the book
entitled, "Life Between Life", and is a member
of the Psychiatric Department of Toronto University. In
Buddhism, these patterns are called Karma.
The most important aims of HBS are:
a. Eradication of one's bad Karma which has been sowed
into the "Arayashiki" of the past world.
b. Guiding one into a better environment in order to build
a good Karma in this present world to prepare them for
the future world.
By chanting the "Odaimoku" and listening to
it carefully the good seeds of Buddhahood will be sowed
into the"Arayashiki", and the bad Karma will
be eradicated. Simultaneously, the pure power of Buddha
contained in the "Odaimoku" will build you a
better Karma which can be stored in the " Arayashiki".
In this manner, HBS's faith will purify the body and soul.
Kenji Miyazawa, a famous Japanese poet, writer and chemist,
said, "To chant the "Odaimoku" appears
to be old fashioned and superstitious, but no matter how
much you research it or think about it, it is not so.
If you meet a stumbling block have faith in it and chant
the"Odaimoku". This is a million time more realistic
than the fertilizers of my plan. |
Salvation Through the
Three Constituents of the World: |
A person who is reading this home page
undoubtedly has an interest in religion whether he/she
is a believer of HBS or not. I wish to emphasize that
HBS's teachings of salvation cover the following topics:
a. Recovery from serious illnesses.
b. Removal of misfortunes.
c. Business prosperity.
d. Maintenance of harmony and security within a household.
HBS, unlike other religious sects which merely attend
only to periodic ceremonial vigils for the deceased, also
provides valuable teachings of salvation to its followers.
This is considered to be the most important aspect of
HBS's role.
People who have come in contact with HBS and learned to
chant the "Odaimoku- Namumyohorengekyo" on a
regular basis, have recovered from serious illnesses which
were once considered incurable by their physicians. People
whose businesses have failed have recovered, and had successfully
rebuilt their enterprises. Some have also escaped near
death experiences. Those who had faced adversities in
their lives are now leading a normal happier lives.
HBS's teachings encompass salvation through the three
worlds-known to us as the past, present and future worlds.
What are the salvation of these worlds. Situations described
above such as having one's health restored, economic status
improved and eradicating personal problems constitute
salvation of the present world. What then are the salvation
of the past and future worlds? |
Salvation of the Past
World: |
The first text enumerated that we do not
live but one life. It is our belief that the soul of the
deceased are reincarnated into another form of life; a
process that continued from many years past. Professor
Brian Weiss of U. S. A. and Joel Whitton of Canada have
suggested that our behavior in the past world of life
have similarities to that of our present world behavior.
The power to bring about salvation is known as "Karma".
The Karma which cause calamities or misfortunes are referred
to as sins in Buddhism.
Three forms of "sins" are: Ton, Jin and Chi.
People who have toiled in the past world to satisfy their
own desires at the expense of others is known as "Ton"
or greed. People who foster hatred toward others are referred
to as"Jin"or anger. "Chi", or negativism,
refers to those who are envious and distrusting of others.
These people tend to interpret matters to suit themselves
and repeatedly live in a self-serving way of life. Acts
of sins exercised by the body, mind and speech become
imbedded deeply in one's soul. Those sins which cling
and to our soul and soil it, cannot be erased by just
intellect or talent, nor can they be removed by one's
own will. How, then, can they be erased?
Buddha Shakyamuni and Nichiren Shounin taught us how they
can be erased.
Followers of HBS should repeatedly chant the Odaimoku
to erase their bad karma or sins. The powerful energy
contained in the "Odaimoku" filters and erases
the sins of the past, and absolves the sins we have accumulated
in our past life which we brought with us into our present
world or life. This practice is the salvation for the
past world. |
Salvation for the Future
World: |
What is the salvation for the future world?
As we are given life we will be confronting death. At
death the spirit or soul will leave our body. What fortunes
or treasures can the spirit take to the future world or
the life after death?
You, yourself, are life and body. Man loves himself and
cares about his physical condition of his own body and
mind. Human beings have an innate desire to hold on to
everything be possess, even his own body, but no one,
including our beloved children and possessions, can come
with us to the future world after we die.
There is one thing, however, that we can take with us
to the future world. "Kai", "Se" and
"Fuhoitsu" will be your companion for the next
world. With these three virtues in mind, only good deeds
will be ingrained in the soul and become the fortunes
of the next world. This is what you can take with you
to the world after death.
"Kai" (Good deeds) means to be prudent with
your body, speech and soul. One should not take any action
which causes suffering to others. Refrain from criticism
of others and habitual complaining. Do not be hateful
or envious of others.
"Se" (Charity) is your intention to make people
happy and bring them good fortunes.
"Fuhoitsu" (Unselfishness)
means to continue meritorious acts.
HBS teaches and provides guidance on how one can build
his "Kai", "Se" and "Fuhoitsu"
for the future world.
Religion to attain nirvana: |
Meritorious acts and results or meritorious
acts and comfort are the basic doctrines of Buddhism.
A person who does not pursue religious practices called
"In"(cause), will not be able to attain nirvana.
The true intent of religious practices advocated by Nichiren
Shounin and the Lotus Sutra teachings began to deteriorate
gradually with the introduction of the Tokugawa Feudal
Government Parishioner System about 400 years ago. This
system was promulgated to suppress Christianity and to
control and regulate religious practices. Affiliation
to temples were based on the place of residence. The priests
of temples were assured of a stable livelihood based on
this system. Consequently, the priests lost their interest
in teaching religion and focused their attention primarily
to holding perfunctory services for the deceased and funeral
related activities.
Nissen Shounin who revived the teachings of Nichiren Shounin
and Nichiryu Shounin, who lived during the early part
of the Muromachi Era (about 600 years ago), became deeply
convinced that the Honmon Happon was a special teaching
for the Mappo period. The Honmon Happon are the teaching
of the 8 chapters (Chapters 15 through Chapters 22 of
the Lotus Sutra). The Honmon Happon is the most important
practice of HBS. That is to chant the Odaimoku by oneself
and to spread it to others. Shounin Nissen, himself, chanted
the Odaimoku and entered into the religion of the Hokkeshu
(a Nichiren sect) founded by Nichiryu Shounin. Nissen
Shounin later became a priest.
The Hokkeshu of that time, however, like many other religious
sect which took advantage of the parishioners system,
had already lost their basic role of spreading the teaching
of Buddhism. They merely attended to holding masses for
the deceased and funeral services to justify their existence.
The priests believed that the deceased could attain Buddhahood
vicariously through the rite held by reciting the Lotus
The controversial religious practice of mass services
for nirvana was called "Kaiku Ronso" and "Sanzu
Jofu Ronso". A difference in the beliefs caused Nissen
Shounin to part from the Hokkeshu. The development of
the event will be discussed at a later date. Among HBS's
various teaching characteristics, conducting religious
practices is a very important aspect to attain nirvana.
In the words of Nissen Shounin, "One can receive
benefits through religious participation. Trying to receive
benefits without conducting religious practices goes against
the teaching of the Buddhas in the past, present and future",
and "One can not take material goods with him to
the other world. Gold and silver are not necessary in
Jakko (In Buddhism, the land of the tranquil light, which
means Heaven). Only our merits (virtues) can be taken
with us".
Chanting only the ODAIMOKU: |
The basic practices of HBS is chanting
the "Odaimoku".
Buddhist practices are achieved through the body, speech
and mind. The use of the bodily organs to utter words,
think and feel is also a practice. These are considered
as behavioral actions.
From ancient times, the sutra of Hokekyo, the Lotus Sutra,
was considered as "King of Sutras". It was revered
by many people. However, it lacked the uniformity in which
the Hokekyo religion was practiced. This was because there
were so many ways to pursue the body, mouth and mind practices
contained in the Lotus Sutra. To roughly explain it, the
practices were divided into two, one for the elite and
the other for the commoners.
Nichiren Shounin, who came into being during the Kamakura
Era (750 years ago), felt that people born in the Mappo
period were mediocre individuals, lacking in the ability
to practice religion. Therefore, he felt that more emphasis
should be placed on a more simple task of practice by
the mouth, the chanting of the Odaimoku, Namumyohorengekyo.
No matter what type of practice it may be, the aim of
Buddhist practices is "Tenmei Kaigo" (to attain
enlightenment), to wash away perplexities and impurities
and to raise one's soul to the level of Buddha through
meritorious acts. This is known as"Kanjin" (introspection
into one's mind-essence). Through repeated chanting of
the Odaimoku it will be received in the soul. HBS, which
adheres to Nichiren Shounin's teachings, is a sect that
engages in this practice.
Buddhism maintains that souls can be divided into three
separate senses: the conscious mind, the Manashiki and
the Arayashiki. The five senses are seeing, hearing, smelling,
tasting, and feeling. The conscious mind functions in
unison with the five senses. The Manashiki is a deeper
soul than the conscious mind. It is a subconscious mind
that one cannot see. (Sigmund Freud's theory of unconscious'
perhaps fits this category). Then, there is a deeper soul
than Manashiki known as the Arayashiki. The Arayashiki
stores and registers all that one experiences in his lifetime.
Moreover, the Arayashiki, which is said to be the inheritance
of karmas continues to exist even after death. The stored
past experiences are carried into the future world.
The experiences and behaviors are referred as "shuji"
(seeds) in Buddhism. The seeds stored in the Arayashiki
have the function to shape your destiny. In other words,
these seeds can build one's destiny and function as a
spiritually motivated energy.
At any rate, our behaviors by the body, speech, and mind
become seeds which are sowed into the Arayashiki. Consequently,
if one acts with malice or makes derogatory remarks, these
polluted seeds are planted as bad seeds into the Arayashiki
and they will function in shaping your destiny in a bad
way. These bad seeds are called "zaisho" (sins).
The aim of Buddhism is to filter these sins of the soul
and eradicate the sinful seeds planted in the Arayashiki.
How can it be done?
Today, there are many Nichiren associated sects which
do not chant the Odaimoku. They merely recite the Sutra.
Among these sects, HBS is a sect which carries out the
will (teachings) of Nichiren Shounin and chants the Odaimoku.
Pure religion: |
One of the essential characteristics of
HBS is that it does not revere any other scriptures except
mandalas written with the Odaimoku.
As mentioned before, the Lotus Sutra is the most respected
sutra. The first reason is, Shotoku Taishi, in the introduction
of his book, wrote, "the sutra called the Lotus Sutra
includes all goodness to attain enlightenment, and is
a pasture of abundant crops to gain enlightenment and
is a religious medicine that transforms life expectancy
into eternal life". Shotoku Taishi continued,
"Shakyamuni Buddha appeared in this world to explain
the Lotus Sutra to the people and give them a reason to
acquire various goods for enlightenment. He wanted them
to receive a matchless religious merits".
As stated, the Lotus Sutra contains all of Buddha Shakyamuni's
teachings. It unified and incorporated the sutras of others
in which Buddhas, future buddhas and guardian kings of
heaven appear and elaborated on their basic teachings.
Because the Lotus Sutra was such a consolidated and synthetic
sutra, the Lotus Sutra religion could not stabilize it's
target and began to take a free and uninhibited form.
If every Buddha or future buddhas were to be included,
to recite the name of Buddha Amida is also the Lotus Sutra,
to revere the scripture of Kanzeon Buddha is also the
Lotus Sutra, to make a vow to Kishimojin is also the Lotus
Sutra. This trend became a generally accepted idea from
the Heian period.
Since there are some technical words used above, an allegory
is given below for clarification.
The Odaimoku mandala of the Lotus Sutra is like a large
tree. Buddhas, future buddhas and others are the many
parts that comprise the tree, like the branches and leaves.
To display and pray before Buddhas and future buddhas
are like breaking off the branches. Those branches which
are broken from the tree will soon wither and die.
The scripture written by Nichiren Shounin contains the
names of the various buddhas to the right and left of
the Odaimoku mandala written in the center. Nichiren Shounin
designated this mandala to be the object of worship.
In compliance with the scripture of Nichiren Shounin,
the Nichiren sects initially revered the Odaimoku mandala.
As time passed, some Nichiren related sects diverged and
began to display objects of guardian kings of heaven like,
Daikokuten, Kishimojin, Taishakuten and others. This led
to the origination of different religious sects.
Nissen Shounin, the founder of HBS, felt that those Nichiren
sects were in direct conflict with the true intent of
religion taught by Nichiren Shounin. He proposed that
the only scripture to be revered was the Odaimoku mandala,
and forbade his followers to worship other objects.
In view of Nissen Shounin's strict posture, HBS was denounced
by other sects to be narrow-minded and too strict.
To those criticism, Nissen Shounin responded, "A
faithful wife cannot look after two husbands. A warrior
cannot serve two lords". The basic law contains thousands
of laws, so HBS cannot have two objects of worship. Nichiren
Shounin said, "The narrow minded is not Nichiren.
I am only faithful to the Lotus Sutra. The soul of Buddha
is included in the Odaimoku. Uphold the Lotus Sutra and
ignore the others. To shun the soul of the Lotus Sutra
is to deprive one of receiving special favors (go-kanno)"
. |
Importance of manifest
evidence: |
Nichiren Shounin used three evidences to
judge the superiority of the law of Buddhism: reason (logical
substantiation), scriptural evidence (documents of Buddhist
teachings, and manifest evidence (proven evidence). He
mainly emphasized the manifest evidence by stating that
religious laws are not limited to reason or documents.
Manifest evidence is more important than reasoning or
Nissen Shounin wanted positive missionary work to be undertaken
and by doing such work, manifest evidence can be seen
in the forms of the sick being cured from an illness or
the poor being freed from poverty.
Nissen Shounin's activities generated criticism from priests
of other sects because they felt that his line of missionary
work that advocated inexplicable phenomenon was inappropriate
for the present world thinking. Nissen Shounin, however,
replied, "There are many people who feel that there
is no heaven or hell in this Mapco period. The intellectuals
who do not pray to God or Buddha are shameful people who
do not feel the importance of after life. Therefore, if
one can experience the phenomenon as a result of one's
missionary work, then foolish people may partake in religion
in the future". Thus, Nissen Shounin continued to
preach and emphasize the existence of inexplicable phenomenon
which one can receive through fervent missionary work.
HBS advocates that through fervent praying and chanting
of the Odaimoku, one can receive favorable results. |
Bodhisattva practice: |
Benefits as manifest evidence that one
can receive through chanting the Odaimoku are not the
sole objective of HBS.
What then is deeper religion? It is the teachings of the
Lotus Sutra . It should be recommended to others and the
religious merits be shared with them. To help people through
the Odaimoku is the true help. To engage in enlightenment
activities is to attain Buddhahood.
The teaching characteristics and originality of HBS are:
1. Religion for nirvana.
2. Devoted wholly to chanting the Odaimoku.
3. True religion for purification.
4. Importance of receiving inexplicable phenomena.
5. Individual participation in enlightenment activities.
The above teachings are based upon the will and real intentions
of Nichiren Shounin.
To learn more about HBS, get in contact with us and
learn about it yourself. Why don't you join us? We can
practice the faith together. |